Sunday, October 26, 2008


I had my first taste of the sea as a youngster on board a crude tanker vessel, which was wholly owned by Hanjin Shipping Company Korea, and crew staffing managed by ASM Singapore back in early 1998, I then embarked on a career that would take me around the wonderful and lovely foreign countries.

After passed written and oral test, I then deserve attained my protracted desire dream as what envisage by all Apprentice, yes, DECK OFFICER CLASS III (as an International Recognition Certificate grade – 3 for Ocean-Going Merchant Ship Officer) which gave me an opportunity to sail as a Marine Navigating Officer.

Joined with Maritime Consortium Management in the late 1999 a subsidiary company of Global Carrier Berhad Kuala Lumpur had given me assorted experiences, sailed on board mostly product tanker under Petronas Malaysia and Shell Oil Company Charter was really an unforgettable occurrence that would truly had been engraved in my onwards life.

In the late 2006, I enrolled to extension program at STMT - Trisakti Jakarta in an effort to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Sea Transportation Management. I was also eligible to sit for my next professional Certificate of Competency examination in which I had to endeavor hardly to grasp my Deck Officer Class II Certificate. This moment means row one paddle for two boats are really exhausted attempts, but still kept on mind to make things straight and feels that they had not been as tough as they were made out to be.

I was inaugurated on January 2008 for my Bo.E Degree at JCC-Hilton Jakarta just about few more months ahead for me to accomplish my DOC-II at Seafarers Education, Refreshing and Upgrading Institute Jakarta.

After quit, and summoned back my sea career to “Lord Neptune” and stepping ashore, I Joined with Ministry of Transportation, Directorate General of Sea Transportation. Presently deploy as a staff of Ambon Port Authority under the Harbor Master Department.

The winds are never gone too far from the valley, yes, the present assignments are still close to the sea, seaman, and ship-- means I still have a great chance to encounter any marine-related activities, which are, enable to alleviate my longing for sea fever.

Contact and Link About Me

1. Yahoo Profile
2. Friendster

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